The SRTSpR Combo Package is a clearing on so many levels: ancestral, parental, family ties,
financial, life path, 3-to-5 dimensional transition, physical issues created by (sub)conscious beliefs.
It is an intensive series of sessions over a period of 6 to 12 weeks. The SRTSpR package consists
of a thorough soul purification in combination with energetic body structuring and
supportive energetic portal treatments.
The 1st session consists of a 120-minute Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). The process of SRT
involves a meticulous step-by-step protocol using a 32-card based system to explore the library
of the subconscious mind and soul (Akasha Records) to discover and release programs and blocks
that limit your full self-expression. SRT is a comprehensive and powerful healing method that can
improve all aspects of life. Read more about SRT here.
Session 2 is a 40 minute distant energetic treatment, tailored to the 1st SRT session.
The 3rd session is a 90 minute Spiritual Restructuring (SpR). This session is designed to identify
and release disharmonious energies (e.g., emotions stored in your body’s cellular memory) that
have caused problems and contributed to mental, emotional, and physical trauma in the body.
Read more about SpR here.
It helps to correct any muscle imbalances and return the bones and tissues to their proper position.
Release blockages and negative energies in the organs/glands, optimize the self-healing powers and
improve the body’s natural functions.
Balance the chakras, the auric field and other systems of the body.
The 4th session is a 40 minute distant energetic treatment, tailored to the SpR session.
The 5th session is a 60 minute SRT with a deeper cleansing on a soul level and
earthly family ( parents, grandparents, siblings, family lineage).
The 6th session is a 40 minute distant energetic treatment, tailored to the previous
deeper soul level cleaning session.
The 7th session is a SpR session, wheres in the first SpR the back of the body has been
treated, in this session the front of the body is now cleaned up together with its internal
systems like organs and glands.
The 8th session is a 40 minute distant energetic treatment, tailored to the previous SpR session.
The 9th session, is a completion of SRT and SpR of 60 minutes. Rounding up the last bits and
bobs and where needed, checked in specific areas (mental, physical, career, financial, relationships, et cetera).
In addition to preparatory work, such as creating a safe energy field (holding space) for us
to work in and feedback calls/texting between sessions, you also receive reports on what has
been cleared. It’s a decent investment, but one that will change your life for €888,- online.
You can also experience the life-changing benefits of this package live in the practice room in Leiden, for € 999,-.
Feel free to contact me for more information and/or to make an appointment.