Who am I?

Who am I?

I have not always been an acupuncturist and energy worker. I used to be a Cultural Social Worker,
also known as a Bachelor of Social Work or Cultural Social Entrepreneur. There, I supervised and
connected volunteers and organizations, set up neighborhood rooms to promote social cohesion and
independence. And thus fulfilled a pivotal role between society and legislation and regulations.

Before I ended up in the world of Social Work, I worked with Reiki, psychometrics and passed on
messages from the deceased, the so-called energy or esoteric work. From early age, I am able to see people
that have passed over and do astral traveling. I knew it was something that is even more
incomprehensible to most people than the Qi (energy) that Chinese medicine is talking about. Therefor at one
point I wanted more hands in the earth and feet on the ground, something that was scientifically
substantiated and still connected close to me. Open and honest, sensitive and subtle, practical and
decisive, technical and in-depth, unbiased and leading.

Admittedly, I also found Kung Fu in my youth with what those old men with long gray goatees,
needles and weird looking posions did to patch up fighters after a match (such as my hero Bruce Lee),
very interesting. 🙂

In 2009, in addition to my Social Work job, I went to study integration medicine at the
Hwa To International University of TCM. An evidence-based study combination of Western and
Chinese medicine.
A study where people as a whole are seen and approached, where not only the complaint but also
the person is treated with substantiated theory and a lot of internship taught by teachers who have
been in the profession for more than 30 years. And that was just the beginning of my passion for
the profession that I practice fulltime to this day.

No acupuncture needles in your pocket is like a heart without a heartbeat. For deepening and
in-service training, I regularly travel to Taiwan, among other places, after which I implement the
acquired knowledge in my practice in Leiden.

Because I am an acupuncturist affiliated with the professional association Zhong and my treatments
are (partly) reimbursed by most health insurers, I am obliged to have qualitative and substantive (CPION)
refresher courses for both Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Personally, I find that absolutely
no punishment 🙂

With all my acquired knowledge, life experience and thorough training, I can act as a pivotal
function between body, mind and the spiritual world for you and balance it with acupuncture and energy work.
Body, mind and spirit with all its facets are in my opinion one. Being one is the new well-being!

Below is an overview of education and further training that I have done.


  • Silver Network Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Sun Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Kinseiku: Posture Balance with Moxibustion – Felip Caudet (ES) – 2 days
  • Scalp Acupuncture and Facial and Tongue Diagnosis with Dr Tan’s Clinic Efficacy – Eileen Han (US) – 1 day
  • The Significance of the Yang Ming and Shao Yang with Dr Tan’s Balance Method Acupuncture- Eleen Han (US) – 1 day
  • Using the Heart, Shen and Pericardium to find contented joy and to balance self-esteem – David Hartmann (AU) – 1 day
  • Silver Oncologist Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Endocrinologist Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Lymph Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Energy Breast Care – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Magical Elixir Wolfberry – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Blood Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Lyme disease – Shenzou University Amsterdam – Toine Korthout – 1 day


  • Assistent teacher Spiritual Restructuring – Marja Vraets-Guliker – 6 days
  • Assistent teacher Spiritual Response Therapy – Marja Vraets-Guliker – 3 days
  • Fractal Healing System – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Reiki Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Business Potential 2 – Human Design for Entrepreneurs – 2 days
  • Silver Sickle Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Doctor Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Sephiroth Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Swastika Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • BaZi Chinese Medicine Astrology – Aaron Zizov (IL) – 1 day
  • Theme day Fertility – Nora Giese, Dr. Ursula Ritz, Naava Carman, Kiki Sulistyo, Lili Lai, Christophe Mohr – 1 day
  • Theory of acupuncture – Daniel Keown (UK) – 1 day
  • Channel palpation – Daniel Keown (UK) – 1 day
  • Dr. Tan Balance Method – Eileen Han (US) – 1 day
  • Numerology 5 elements – David Hartmann (AU) – 1 day
  • Silver Wind Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver City Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Hand Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Help Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Therapeutic Width Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Throat Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Magical Voice Empowerment – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Eye Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs
  • Silver Hand Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24 hrs


  • Business Potential 1 – Human Design for Entrepreneurs – 2 days
  • Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) – Marja Vraets-Guliker – 6 days
  • Black Opium – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Dome Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Flame Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Laser Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Lightning Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Light Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Power Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Sail Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Spirit Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Silver Thread Channel – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Quintessence of Silver 999 – Energy Healing Life – 24hrs
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • Approach to everyday skin complaints– Rolf Eussen – Qing Bai (NL) 1 day
  • The Pathological mechanisms op Post Covid-19 syndrom – herbal medicine and acupuncture – Dr. Li Jie – EATMS – 1 day
  • Cancer and CAM – MD. PhD. Martien Brands – EATMS – 1 day
  • TCM Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – O.M.D. Zhigang Yand – EATMS – 1 day
  • TCM approach on insomnia – Weixiang Wang – EATMS – 1 day
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • Tongue Diagnosis in 5 Elements model – Aaron Zizov (IL) 1 day
  • Transforming your Clinic by understanding the seven Po’s – Yairir Maimon (IL) & Dominique Hertzer (DE), 1 day
  • The Stomach in the Huangdi Neijing – Elisabeth Rochat de la VallĂ©e (FR), 1 day
  • Li Dong Yuan: more than simply Spleen and Stomach – Sharon Weizenbaum (USA), 1 day
  • Pain syndromes and injuries of the lower back and knee joint – Karl Zippelius (IT), 1 day
  • Nerve Entrapment syndromes: Neck and Arm pain – Matt Callison (USA), 1 day
  • Military Pingheng (Balance) Acupuncture – Hui Zhang (DK), 1 day
  • Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Basic – Loek Laudy (NL), 3 days
  • Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Advanced – Loek Laudy (NL), 3 days
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • Master Tung certification master program, Exit Exam, Elotus (USA)
  • Physical Examination – MD Toine Korthout (NL), 1 day Vaccinations – Martien Brands (NL), 1 day
  • 3 Practical Approaches of Cosmetic Acupuncture – Seung Choi (CH)
  • Acupuncture and Stem Cells: A New Way of Treating Pain – Regan Archibald (USA) 2 days
  • 3 Successful Acupuncture Tips from the Nei Jing to Boost Effectiveness – Nadine Shozuya (USA / CH) 1day
  • Cardiovascular Success with TCM – Jake Fratkin (USA) 1 day
  • Cancer Support Therapies with Chinese Medicine – Daisy Dong (USA) 2 days Bob Doane’s Distal Needling Acupuncture (DNA) for the Collection Formulas – Bob Doane (USA) 2 days
  • Five element Qi Gong from Mount Wudang – Kedi Pan (CH), 2 days
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • Migraine Relief: Auriculotherapy and Balance Method – Roshelle K. LeVa (USA) 1 day
  • Access Bars – Access Conciousness – Paul de Leeuw (NL) 2 days

Henry McCann (USA)

  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture: Top 20 Points for Immediate Result, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Bloodletting Therapy, 1 day Fast Pain Relief with Tung’s Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, Part I, 2 days
  • Integrating The Classics with Tung’s Acupuncture, 1 day
  • Tung’s Acupuncture for Internal Medicine, 1 day

Brad Whisnant (USA)

  • Essential Tung’s Acupuncture: Points and Locations, 1 day
  • Essential Tung’s Acupuncture: Real World Applications, 1 day
  • Essential Tung’s Acupuncture: Clinical Strategies for Treating Pain, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture For Pregnancy: Before, During & After, 1 day
  • Master Tungs Indications for TCM Points, 1 day Master Tung’s Points for the Collection Formulas, Part I 2 days
  • Strong Sexual Performance for Men, 1 day Top 10 Master Tungs Dao Ma Points, 1 day

Susan Johnson (USA)

  • Master Tung’s Essential Points for Pain, 1 day Master Tung’s Points for
  • Headache, Migraine, Neck Pain, and TMJ, 1 day

Chuan-Min Wang (TW)

  • Top 30 Master Tung Points & Their Clinical Indications, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Unique Points for Female Conditions, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture: Five Vocal System, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Five Vocal System: Clinical Case Studies, 1 day

Jeffrey Russell (USA)

  • Comprehensive Examination and Treatment or TCM Internal Disorders, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Neck Pain, 1 day
  • Skin Diseases: Pulse, Auricular, Herbs, & Acupuncture, 1 day

Robert Chu (USA)

  • Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment or Pain Using Master Tungs Points, 1 day
  • Acupuncture and Herbal Treatments or Modern Disorders, 1 day
  • Allergies, Autoimmune and Cancer Tx Side Effects, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Points for Sport Injuries, 2 days
  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Female Disorders, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Male Disorders, 1 day
  • Master Tung’s Essential Acupuncture, 1 day
  • Tackling Sports Medicine with Tung Points, 1 day

Esther Su (USA)

  • Advanced Tungs Acupuncture: Internal Medicine, 4 days
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • The subtle cup, how to treat defeciency and coldness with cupping – Bruce Bentley (AUS). 1 day
  • Advanced Distal Needling Acupuncture (DNA) – Robert Doane (USA), 1 day
  • Advanced Distal Needling Acupuncture for treatment of pain – Robert Doane (USA), 1 day
  • Practicum Technique Training or Must Learn Tung points – Wei-Chieh Young (USA), 1 day
  • Unlock the ancient treasures of the five shu points – Wei-Chieh Young (USA), 1 day
  • Balance techniques Tan – Pistorius Begga (NL) 2 days
  • Scalp Acupuncture – Suzanne Rubidoux (CAN / CH), 2 days
  • Yuan Qi Classical Acupuncture – Suzanne Rubidoux (CAN / CH), 3 days
  • Palpation Based Acupuncture – Avi Magidoff (USA), 2 dagen
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • Abdominal Ba Gua Acupuncture – Tonifying Yuan Qi, balancing the Zang Fu and Harmonizing the Emotions – Tuvia Scott (IL), 1 day
  • Scar Tissie Technique – Phil Strong (AUS), 1 day
  • Treating Internal Adhesions following Abdominal Surgery Including Laparoscopic Surgery – Phil Strong (AUS), 1 day
  • Moxa for Life. Clinical Moxa technique for saving life – Suzanne Robidoux (CAN / CH), 1 day
  • Neijing Classical Acupuncture. History and theory – Edward Neal (USA), 1 day
  • Palpation Based Acupuncture – Avi Magidoff (USA), 2 days
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days


  • The Best of Master Tung Magic Points Course, Susan Johnson, 3 days
  • Using Acupuncture for Post Cancer Treatment Rehabilitation – Beverley de Valois (UK), 1 day
  • An Indepth and Insightful Journey on the Qi Jing Ba Mai. Regulate the Shen and Enhance Athletic / Sporting Performance – David Hartmann (AUS), 1 day
  • Healing eyes natural way. Sacred Turtle Map and Abdominal Acupuncture – Grace Tan (USA), 1 day
  • Palpitation based acupuncture in oncology – David Euler (USA), 1 day
  • Fire Dragon Meridian Qi Gong – Zhongxian Wu (SW), 1 day
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days

2014 Richard Tan (USA)

  • Balance Method: Dr. Tan’s Approach to Treating Female Disorders, 1 day
  • Dr. Tan’s Balance Method for Trauma and Sports Injuries, 1 day
  • Balance Method: Dr. Tan’s Approach to Conquering Stress, Insomnia, and Depression, 1 day
  • Advanced First Aid – Thierry de Vlieg – First Aid Academy, 3 days

2013 Internship Veterans General Hospital Taipei, Taiwan

2012 Introduction Cranio Sacraal. Hwa To International University of TCM

2011 – present. Heart Qi Gong at Tai Ji Men Qi Gong Academy, Taiwan.

2010 Quantum Cybernetics Academy. Tachopuncture, 8 ancient keys to the source by Andreas Jell.

2010 Traditional Medicine Taiwanese Culture and Art at Yang Ming University in Taipei

2009 – 2014 integration medicine Hwa To International University of TCM. A study with Evidenced based Chinese medicine with Western medicine and 1200 hours of internship.

2009 Psychometrics, Praktijk Noordwijk by Els Lubbe

2008 Reconnective Healing. Level 1, 2 and 3 by Eric Pearl

2008 Kundalini Reiki, level 1, 2 and Master, Praktijk Noordwijk by Els Lubbe

2008 Christopher Howard NLP

2008 Usiu Reiki level 2 and Master by Kerstin van Wijk

2007 Quantum Touch level 1, 2 and 3 by Tonny Mathijssen

2007 Usiu Reiki, level 1, Praktijk Noordwijk by Els Lubbe

2003 Eight Golden Brucades Qi Gong by Rob Katrina (AUS)

Other training, education, workshops:

2012 – 2013 Movisie. Train the trainer of Movisie for Social Work professionals in coaching residents’ initiatives in entrepreneurial work.

2012 – 2013 Traditional Chinese language at the Taipei School The Hague.

2011 Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligers. Guiding or advising on the quality trajectory around volunteering in organizations.

2010 Kracht Lokaal. Methodology development in organization support and implementation at volunteer organizations.

2009 Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligers . Social Security Advisor for volunteer organizations.

2000 – 2004 Leiden University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Leiden). Bachelor of Social Work. Cultural Social Education