After being closed for about a month and a half, my practice will open again on May 11th !!
I hope that you are doing well in all circumstances and that you are in good health. Nobody knows exactly what is to come in the near future. The reports that circulate about the effects of Corona that it can bring about and which it has inflicted on health and thus humanity, business and social life and the like are not wrong.
Nevertheless, there are also positive reports. One gets to know oneself and another in a different way through this situation. People become creative, get closer (despite the 1.5 meter physical distance) to each other, beautiful alternatives and forms of help arise. An example is that there is a group of students who are committed to shopping for the elderly. And so many more great initiatives have arisen. Those are bright spots for me in these dark times. Normal life is slowly starting up again, with appropriate service and precautionary measures in the public transport sector, or getting your hair cut at your favorite hairdresser, for example, is also possible, starting next week.
My practice will be open again on May 11th. In order to ensure the safety of my patients and that of my loved ones and myself, I ask you to stay at home when you have: a cold, a fever or are short of breath or cough. In my practice, I wear a face mask for prevention and protection. I ask my patients to do the same. If you are a respiratory or hay fever patient, please contact us. If you can’t come over to the practice, please continue reading after the photo.

If you can’t come because you have “corona-like phenomena” or for whatever reason, don’t worry!
The past few weeks I have been busy creating an environment so that I can offer you a healthy alternative that you can do at home to support your resilience and balance to meet all challenges. The alternative of treatments in practice is a do-it-yourself acupuncture package. For € 40, you will receive a package with so-called sticky-needles, moxa stickers and an alcohol swap, personally tailored to your complaints / wishes to give yourself 2 treatments. You will receive the package in your mailbox by standard post and you will receive the corresponding instructions by email.
As always, use common sense, if you don’t trust the complaints you have or get worse, see your doctor or a Western medical specialist.

Are you wondering what a do-it-yourself acupuncture package can do for you? Feel free to contact us for more information.